The video was recorded prior to Zimmerman’s arrest for the killing of Trayvon Martin,
"We’re going to force our government to do their job properly, and if they don’t, we will," Muhammad told the media.
"We’re saying to President Obama, you gotta do your job on this one buddy," the Black Panther spokesman said, adding that his group has already received support from athletes and entertainers to hunt down Zimmerman.
"So white America, we have given you 400 years to get it right and you still have failed black people . . . Today as black men, we must stand up. We must say to white America, ‘Time is up for you.’"
The bounty threat was never carried out and Zimmerman was arrested by authorities several weeks later in April, 2012 and charged with second degree murder.
Last Saturday, July 13th, 2013, a jury of six women sided with the initial police sentiment and acquitted Zimmerman of the second degree murder and manslaughter charges.
Demonstrations Turn Riot-Oakland- After the verdict!
View more videos at: http://nbclosangeles.com.
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