Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sometimes I Just Speak My Mind...

Today's rant is regarding a Facebook post
of  Penn & Teller vs PeTA, Bullshit Episode.
I have something to say about this so cleverly titled "Bullshit" show....well this episode was exactly that, BULLSHIT! and quite ignorant.

 Regarding animal research and the list of "curable" diseases at the end of their video; If more funding went to the exploration and education of homeopathy and holistic medicine then one day (very soon) we may not need Liver transplants, chemotherapy, ect. We should know more about the fact that the human body can repair itself provided it's been cleansed of toxins. Every disease is caused by toxicity and/or deficiency.

These two goons make a show under the guise that they know all the facts. They do not.

Also included at the end of the video, in the scrolling list was the terms pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Well those medications actually cause the liver disease that eventually will lead to the need for a transplant. Come on people! Don’t get me started on the Chemotherapy! 

Anyway, Here is the Penn & Teller video in it's entirety;

 Now check out what PeTA really does by clicking here for videos!

 P&T also included a guest appearance by Ted Nugent. I have to ask; What is the point of puppeting this buck to say: "Hey Ingred, Blow me!"

I see nothing wrong with hunting for food as the natural order of things. If you want to hunt and kill your food, that's your business, but at least respect the dignity of the animal.

Cancer, aids, arthritis, MS plus over 80 other autoimmune diseases can be cured naturally. Take hemp oil for example, follow this link to view  a study of hemp oil being a cure for cancer .

Why is Hemp illegal? Because the big Corps, FDA & Pharmaceutical stockholders can't get rich from it, that's why! Just because two humorous, semi-clever comedians make a show with a fraction of truth does not make it so.

 I think slaughter house employees that torture animals should be tortured themselves (just for starters). I would like to see a reality show with Ted Nugent being hunted for sport!!! Yeah I would tune in for that one! 

Hey don't get me wrong, I unfortunately like the taste of meat (bacon, chicken most all of it). But over the last 5 years I have researched and concluded that although it is thought that humans have evolved from being vegan to omnivore; only our minds have changed, our digestive tracts and other organs have not. I would love to be disciplined enough for vegan-ism, but I will succeed in eating strictly organic. It’s expensive but I will only eat free-range meat and no GMO processed food. I cook with natural ingredients and herbs and I am becoming a great organic cook! 
Now I don't know how justified or extreme PeTA is, so I cannot say I am for them or against them in all aspects, however, I do believe this video is in part a depiction of their cause.   
 WARNING- This VIDEO is DISTURBING and Graphic!! I myself could not watch it entirely, I could only skip through it quickly, but I did see enough to both tear at my heart and piss me off!

Why do humans torture animals? Knowing what happens to animals every single day is what nightmares are made of.
I think the testing and torture of animals should be found unnecessary for most human illnesses. The elites that fund these labs are the ones that profit and they are killing us to do it! 

I have autoimmune disorders caused by a flu vaccine and disease caused by NSAIDs such as Aleve and ibuprofen. So I believe that  the injections to animals that apparently did not kill them right away, most certainly would have in the long term. But of course they don’t observe the animals long term, they actually euthanize them shortly thereafter, never knowing or admitting the damage to the quality of life. So if they have no idea how long the tested animals survive, how do they know of mortality of human subjects?

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