My views and opinions about issues in the News, Facebook, Celebrities, Politics and more!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Paula Deen Claims Dismissed!
The racial discrimination claims that practically destroyed Paula Deen's empire have been thrown out of court!
Read full story here
Friday, July 19, 2013
Black Panther 10k Bounty on Zimmerman?

The video was recorded prior to Zimmerman’s arrest for the killing of Trayvon Martin,
"We’re going to force our government to do their job properly, and if they don’t, we will," Muhammad told the media.
"We’re saying to President Obama, you gotta do your job on this one buddy," the Black Panther spokesman said, adding that his group has already received support from athletes and entertainers to hunt down Zimmerman.
"So white America, we have given you 400 years to get it right and you still have failed black people . . . Today as black men, we must stand up. We must say to white America, ‘Time is up for you.’"
The bounty threat was never carried out and Zimmerman was arrested by authorities several weeks later in April, 2012 and charged with second degree murder.
Last Saturday, July 13th, 2013, a jury of six women sided with the initial police sentiment and acquitted Zimmerman of the second degree murder and manslaughter charges.
Demonstrations Turn Riot-Oakland- After the verdict!
View more videos at:
Thursday, June 27, 2013
The Katskhi Pillar - The Pillar of Life
Also referred to as the Stairway to Heaven
The Katskhi Pillar - The Pillar of Life
A mystery still remains about the Katskhi Pillar, located at the village of Katskhi in western Georgian region of Imereti, about 7 miles or so from the town of Chiatura. What we do know is that it is a stand-alone rock of natural limestone and is about 130-140 ft high, overlooking the river valley of Katskhura. The mystery surrounds the medieval monastery that was built atop. The people of Katskhi, revere it as The Pillar of Life. The structure was researched and ascended for the first time in 1944 and since has peeked the interest of many. That most current findings and reports can be easily researched online. I have found countless articles simply by typing Katskhi Pillar in my search engine.
Here's a link that is packed with information
What I personally found most interesting was the architecture of the structures themselves, which consists of
a church, a crypt or burial vault, three hermit cells, a wine cellar, and a curtain wall on the uneven top surface of the column. Unfortunately, I have not yet found any interior photos. I am anticipating my finding a documentary.
The Katskhi Pillar - The Pillar of Life
Here's a link that is packed with information
What I personally found most interesting was the architecture of the structures themselves, which consists of
a church, a crypt or burial vault, three hermit cells, a wine cellar, and a curtain wall on the uneven top surface of the column. Unfortunately, I have not yet found any interior photos. I am anticipating my finding a documentary.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Deen Takin' The Heat!
Paula Deen is out of the Kitchen...
Thanks to her Brother Bubba!
Thanks to her Brother Bubba!
Home Cookin' Southern Bell is a Racist?
The first time I came across this story, I was scrolling my Facebook Newsfeed. A post popped up showing Paua Deen's lovely face, captioned; "Food Network not to renew Deen's contract due to racial slurs" My initial reaction was;
"Fired! Why would they fire that sweet lady?"
So I read a little further and started to get upset as the general story was that while under oath Deen was asked the question if she had ever used racial slurs. She replied,
"Yes, but it was a very long time ago."
I was flabbergasted that she lost her job because of something she may have said 27 years ago! Seriously?!! Soon after I noticed that a lot of people felt the same way, posts and comments were flooding my newsfeed. I did some googling and discovered countless articles, news stories and videos, so I started clicking...
1st Apology- She resembles a kidnap victim in this one, lol. Embarrassing to even watch.
I wanted to know more so I continued with my research and came across the heart of the story. The following excerpt from the deposition can be found all over the net;
The deposition Deen gave on May 17, taken by Atlanta attorney Matthew Billips and filed June 17, was in preparation for trial of the Jackson case before U.S. District Judge William T. Moore Jr.
“Have you ever used the ‘N’ word yourself?” Billips asked.
“Yes, of course,” Deen responded, referring to the fact it happened in reference to a black man who put a gun to her head during a bank robbery where she worked.
“Have you used it since then?”
“I’m sure I have, but it’s been a very long time.”
There is no time frame associated with the response.
“Miss Deen, have you ever told racial jokes?”
“No, not racial.”
Deen went on to say the “N” word is not one she used as time passed.
“Things have changed since the ’60s in the South,” she said. “And my children and my brother object to that word being used in any cruel or mean behavior.”
In another exchange, Deen discussed jokes targeting groups, conceding that “most jokes target. ... They usually target, though, a group. Gays or straights, black, redneck, you know. ... I can’t determine what offends another person.”
“And would you consider telling jokes, racial jokes, to be an example of using the ‘N’ word in a way that’s not mean?
“No I wouldn’t — I wouldn’t tell it. ... I mean, that’s not my style.”
Later in the deposition, Deen was questioned about plans for her brother’s wedding and a restaurant she and her husband visited in “Tennessee or North Carolina or somewhere.”
“The whole entire wait staff was middle-aged black men and they had on beautiful white jackets with a black bow tie. I mean it was really impressive.
“And I remember saying I would love to have servers like that, I said, but I would be afraid that somebody would misinterpret.”
She told Billips she would use the word “black” to describe the race of what she called “professional black men doing a fabulous job,” adding, “I don’t usually use African-Americans.”
She went on to testify she had said, “I would love for Bubba to experience a real Southern-style wedding,” referring to the food. Deen denied using the word “n---” to describe the servers.
“Before the Civil War, those black men and women who were waiting on white people were slaves, right?” Billips asked.
“Yes, I would say that they were slaves,” she responded. “But I did not mean anything derogatory by saying I loved their look and their professionalism.”
“Is there any possibility, in your mind, that you slipped and used the word ‘n-----’?”
“No, because that’s not what these men were. They were professional black men doing a fabulous job,” she responded.
When asked about racial harassment, Deen said she thought she would recognize it and said, “We don’t tolerate that.”
Ok, I was still upset that she was fired and I dug further;
The following link is a good view of the controversy surrounded Paula Deen
BUT THIS bit of information, Actual Court Complaint, was the just what I needed to help me better assess the story and judge for myself (thus-far). I read the entire document and was floored to learned of the accusatory details of the case!
ACCORDING to The Deposition:
Paula and her brother share in a few joint ventures in the restaurant biz. From what I gather is that the whole business in operated with a "good ole boy" attitude. The same type of behavior and bigotry that existed before the Civil Rights Act of 1957, STILL exist in the hearts and minds of these folks that are running the show.
The deposition was taken in connection with a civil suit by Lisa Jackson, former general manager of Uncle Bubba’s Seafood and Oyster House Inc. on Whitemarsh Island, which is operated by Deen’s brother, Earl W. “Bubba” Hiers.
Jackson’s suit was filed initially in Chatham County Superior Court but was removed to federal court. In it, Jackson alleges she was the victim of sexual harassment and a persistent pattern of racial discrimination in the workplace during her five years at Uncle Bubba’s.
I have to admit it, that regardless of my initial reaction, I am now leaning more towards the side of The Food Network. The REAL victim of this story, according to the Complaint, is Ms. Jackson! Read this now Actual Court Complaint !
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
My post to a Wolf killing page on Facebook (see screen shot and link to page below)
There may come a time in our lives when we must kill or be killed, that's the Law of the Jungle. Though after such tragedy we must make peace with it. In this case, I am referring to humans killing wildlife and not the food chain. However the process of mass production, other than Temple Grandin's design is uncalled for, but that is beside my point here. For me, having to take a life would be the most heartfelt thing imaginable. But to boast, brag and display graphic images of it is just evil...and you remind me of the relentless cruelty a human being is capable of. I myself have a soul and a conscience that runs very deep and I have a love for all animals both wild and domestic.
I am at a point in my life where I respect them more than I do humans because most humans these days are just vile. You are a perfect example of that. It doesn't take a "wolf worshiper", as you so eloquently put it, to see what is so disturbing and disheartening about your so-called Fan Page. You seem like cold, soulless people to me that can be put in the same category with murderers and rapist. That may seem harsh, but I have to wonder what else you are capable of.
Again it's not the fact that you have to kill wolves in order to live, that concerns me (I did read your "about" section.), it's that you display them like bloody trophies and then photograph it, leaving no dignity for the animal or yourself. It's sick and twisted in my view of the world. If you think that by showing your heinous acts of violence makes you seem somehow a warrior, he-man, god-like or whatever status you think you are only further remind me that one day I may find myself in a situation where I must kill a deranged human (in order to survive of course) and I can assure you no photos will be taken.
Hopefully Karma will take care of that.
To purchase "Soul Mates" artwork by Tom Carlton (above), please follow the link to
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"Soul Mates" by Tom Carlton |
There may come a time in our lives when we must kill or be killed, that's the Law of the Jungle. Though after such tragedy we must make peace with it. In this case, I am referring to humans killing wildlife and not the food chain. However the process of mass production, other than Temple Grandin's design is uncalled for, but that is beside my point here. For me, having to take a life would be the most heartfelt thing imaginable. But to boast, brag and display graphic images of it is just evil...and you remind me of the relentless cruelty a human being is capable of. I myself have a soul and a conscience that runs very deep and I have a love for all animals both wild and domestic.
I am at a point in my life where I respect them more than I do humans because most humans these days are just vile. You are a perfect example of that. It doesn't take a "wolf worshiper", as you so eloquently put it, to see what is so disturbing and disheartening about your so-called Fan Page. You seem like cold, soulless people to me that can be put in the same category with murderers and rapist. That may seem harsh, but I have to wonder what else you are capable of.
Again it's not the fact that you have to kill wolves in order to live, that concerns me (I did read your "about" section.), it's that you display them like bloody trophies and then photograph it, leaving no dignity for the animal or yourself. It's sick and twisted in my view of the world. If you think that by showing your heinous acts of violence makes you seem somehow a warrior, he-man, god-like or whatever status you think you are only further remind me that one day I may find myself in a situation where I must kill a deranged human (in order to survive of course) and I can assure you no photos will be taken.
Hopefully Karma will take care of that.
To purchase "Soul Mates" artwork by Tom Carlton (above), please follow the link to
Monday, January 21, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Today's rant is regarding a Facebook post
of Penn & Teller vs PeTA, Bullshit Episode.
of Penn & Teller vs PeTA, Bullshit Episode.
have something to say about this so cleverly titled "Bullshit" show....well this episode
was exactly that, BULLSHIT! and quite ignorant.
Regarding animal research and the list of "curable" diseases at the end of their video; If more funding went to the exploration and education of homeopathy and holistic medicine then one day (very soon) we may not need Liver transplants, chemotherapy, ect. We should know more about the fact that the human body can repair itself provided it's been cleansed of toxins. Every disease is caused by toxicity and/or deficiency.
These two goons make a show under the guise that they know all the facts. They do not.
Also included at the end of the video, in the scrolling list was the terms pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Well those medications actually cause the liver disease that eventually will lead to the need for a transplant. Come on people! Don’t get me started on the Chemotherapy!
Regarding animal research and the list of "curable" diseases at the end of their video; If more funding went to the exploration and education of homeopathy and holistic medicine then one day (very soon) we may not need Liver transplants, chemotherapy, ect. We should know more about the fact that the human body can repair itself provided it's been cleansed of toxins. Every disease is caused by toxicity and/or deficiency.
These two goons make a show under the guise that they know all the facts. They do not.
Also included at the end of the video, in the scrolling list was the terms pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Well those medications actually cause the liver disease that eventually will lead to the need for a transplant. Come on people! Don’t get me started on the Chemotherapy!
Anyway, Here is the Penn & Teller video in it's entirety;
Now check out what PeTA really does by clicking here for videos!
I see nothing wrong with hunting for food as the natural order of things. If you want to hunt and kill your food, that's your business, but at least respect the dignity of the animal.
Cancer, aids, arthritis, MS plus over 80 other autoimmune diseases can be cured naturally. Take hemp oil for example, follow this link to view a study of hemp oil being a cure for cancer .
Why is Hemp illegal? Because the big Corps, FDA & Pharmaceutical stockholders can't get rich from it, that's why! Just because two humorous, semi-clever comedians make a show with a fraction of truth does not make it so.
I think slaughter house employees that torture animals should be tortured themselves (just for starters). I would like to see a reality show with Ted Nugent being hunted for sport!!! Yeah I would tune in for that one!
Hey don't get me
wrong, I unfortunately like the taste of meat (bacon, chicken most all
of it). But over the last 5 years I have researched and concluded that
although it is thought that humans have evolved from being vegan to
omnivore; only our minds have changed, our digestive tracts and other
organs have not. I would love to be disciplined enough for vegan-ism, but
I will succeed in eating strictly organic. It’s expensive
but I will only eat free-range meat and no GMO processed food. I cook with
natural ingredients and herbs and I am becoming a great organic cook!
Now I don't know how justified or extreme PeTA is, so I cannot say I am
for them or against them in all aspects, however, I do believe this video is in part a depiction of their cause.
WARNING- This VIDEO is DISTURBING and Graphic!! I myself could not watch it entirely, I could only skip through it quickly, but I did see enough to both tear at my heart and piss me off!
Why do humans torture animals? Knowing what happens to animals every single day is what nightmares are made of.
I think the testing and torture of
animals should be found unnecessary for most human illnesses. The
elites that fund these labs are the ones that profit and they are
killing us to do it!
I have autoimmune disorders caused by a flu vaccine and disease caused by NSAIDs such as Aleve and ibuprofen. So I believe that the injections to animals that apparently did not kill them right away, most certainly would have in the long term. But of course they don’t observe the animals long term, they actually euthanize them shortly thereafter, never knowing or admitting the damage to the quality of life. So if they have no idea how long the tested animals survive, how do they know of mortality of human subjects?
I have autoimmune disorders caused by a flu vaccine and disease caused by NSAIDs such as Aleve and ibuprofen. So I believe that the injections to animals that apparently did not kill them right away, most certainly would have in the long term. But of course they don’t observe the animals long term, they actually euthanize them shortly thereafter, never knowing or admitting the damage to the quality of life. So if they have no idea how long the tested animals survive, how do they know of mortality of human subjects?
Ron Navas Wow!!!!!! WHEN YOU PUT IN THOSE TERMS, I GUESS YOU HAVE A POINT THERE !!!!!about an hour ago · · 1
Susan Kestel
Now here's something that should be taken more serious...but it has been a brunt of many jokes, Why? because it's a real treatment that works -----> x4cm09_how-chiropractic-wor ks-subluxation_school
about an hour ago · · 1 ·
John Boehnlein Actually............the Gonstead method is far superior to standard chiropractic treatment.
this whole Chick fil-A thing really irritates me....
Chick fil-A "Appreciation
Day", was an advertising ploy that discriminated for financial
gain...and they ate-it-up! (pun) This is a huge farce that will only
produce havoc and has such potential for more violence....what's next? a
mass shooting at Chick fil-A? Tainted chicken meat? What are the
harmful side effects of the situation? More intolerance? More brutality? More suicide? Do we not have enough hate in the World?
Besides aren't
some discrimination Laws being broken here? This has gone so
beyond the freedom of speech crap. Some rich f#*k getting richer,
playing on the Christian belief to stuff his pockets...its so twisted!!
What exactly does this ploy do for anyone else? How, as a Society do we
gain from this? Why in hell do so many people involve themselves in
the relationships of other people? There are differences among
us....get over it already!
Not to mention all the Bible quotes
on judging others....Wow..OK, I will try not to judge the ignorance of
these fools standing in the lines. Why is it that these people choose
gay marriage to focus their attention and energy to? There are so many
other issues that need our attention in our country and in the World!!
Hey I oppose state controlled marriage for myself, but if people
want the legal rights that come with a marriage license then give it to
them. The contract of marriage is drawn up by states...The marriage
requirements are subject to change and are not written in stone. It's a
union that is dictated by man's law not God's law...
So stop with all
this picking and choosing of what is "righteous". Get out of that fast food line and get back on your
own path.
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